Contact Us

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Use our GPS coordinates, or, the Google Map below to calculate the route from your location.

The coordinates of the main gate are as follows: 25°33'42.97"S 27°46'17.39"E

Detailed directions from Brits to Arotin Game Lodge – 7.2 Kilometres:

1.  Pass the first traffic light (with the hospital on your right)
2.  At the second traffic light (van Deventer) turn right (Suzuki at the traffic light)
3.  Go past Oukasie (on your right)
4.  Go past Wagpos High School (on your left)
5.  Go past Drie Berge Karavaanpark (on your left)
6.  Drive another 500m -Arotin Game Lodge will be on your left


Find us with Google Maps

Enter a starting point and click "Calculate route".
The coordinates of the main gate are as follows:
25°33'42.97"S   27°46'17.39"E
Portion 10 of the Farm Krokodilpoort, 418JQ, Brits, 0250